How to Do a Post-Holiday Home Refresh in 7 Easy Steps
home refresh

The holidays are over and it’s time for a post-holiday home refresh! Once the decorations have been taken down, the house will probably look a little bare. With a little effort, you can easily give your home a post-holiday clean-up and a fresh start in the New Year. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to do a post-holiday home refresh in 7 easy steps. From decluttering to cleaning and organizing, we’ll guide you through the process and have you feeling like you’re living in a brand-new home.

1) Take down all holiday decor

The first step in this process is taking down all of your holiday decors. This post-holiday cleaning may take some time and effort, but it will give you a chance to get rid of any decorations that are no longer needed or wanted.

Start by taking down your tree, lights, garland, and other decorations. As you go, make sure to check for any items that need to be replaced or repaired before being put away. Don’t forget to vacuum up any fallen pine needles and, if applicable, make sure to clean out your fireplace as well.

2) Organize and declutter

One of the most important tasks you'll need to do is organize and declutter your space. This can help you to create a calming and inviting atmosphere in your home and make it easier to find items that you need.

- To get started, go through one room at a time and sort through your belongings. Group similar items that need to be relocated into categories, such as kitchen items, clothing, books, toys, etc.

- As you go, decide which items to keep and which to get rid of. It’s okay to let go of things that don’t bring you joy or serve a purpose anymore. Consider donating them or selling them online if they are still in good condition.

- Invest in organizational tools and storage solutions. Baskets and bins can help you store items neatly and easily. Use labels to make sure you can find what you need quickly. Check out this Better Homes & Gardens article for examples of this clutter-reducing technique.

- Make use of vertical space. Wall shelves, over-the-door racks, and hanging organizers can free up floor space and help maximize storage potential.

- Keep only what you need in each room. Don’t forget to declutter drawers, closets, and cabinets too!

3) Rearrange your furniture

One way to give your home a major makeover without spending any money is to rearrange your furniture. Rearranging furniture can be a daunting task, but by taking it one step at a time you can have your space looking new and improved in no time.

- Start with the Big Pieces - Begin by moving the large pieces of furniture such as couches, beds, and tables. This will give you a good idea of how the room will look with different configurations.

- Create Focal Points - Think about what you want to be the focal point of the room and arrange furniture around it. This could be a fireplace, television, window, or art piece.

- Use Storage Solutions - Consider incorporating storage solutions into your arrangement. Bookshelves and cabinets can provide functional storage solutions that look stylish too!

- Let There Be Light - Take advantage of natural lighting when rearranging furniture. Move pieces away from windows to allow sunlight to fill the room.

4) Update your bedding and towels

Refreshing your bedding and towels is an easy way to make your bedroom or bathroom feel new again.

Consider replacing old and tired bedding with a new set in colors that match the season. If you’re tight on budget, try refreshing your existing bedding by adding some throw pillows or a cozy throw blanket for a whole new look.

In addition to replacing bedding, take a look at your towels. Replacing old and worn towels with new ones can help bring life back into your bathroom. Choose bright and cheery colors to add some warmth and brightness to the room. And if you don’t have a lot of money to spend on new towels, you can always opt for an inexpensive bath mat to refresh the look of the space.

5) Paint or add new wall art

Another way to really make your home feel refreshed is to paint your walls or add some new wall art. You can use this opportunity to give your home a whole new look or just add a few touches here and there.

If you want to take on a bigger project, consider painting one or more accent walls in your home. This is an easy way to give your home a facelift, and it can be completed relatively quickly depending on the size of the space. Plus, you can choose from a wide variety of colors to create the exact look you want for your home.

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of painting your walls, you can also make changes to your wall art. You can find pieces of art to fit any budget, and it’s easy to switch out pieces over time to give your space a constantly evolving look. Plus, you can find artwork that complements the other elements in your room and adds interest to the space. Here’s a helpful YouTube video that shares the easiest way to choose and decide where to hang your wall art.

6) Accessorize with fresh flowers or plants

Adding some fresh flowers or plants will not only provide a beautiful aesthetic to any room but will also bring in some much-needed natural energy.

Fresh flowers are an inexpensive way to brighten up any area. They can be used as the perfect accent to any style of décor. Whether you go for something more classic like a bouquet of roses, or something more modern like succulents, adding the right kind of floral arrangement can really pull a room together.

Plants are another great way to add some life to your post-holiday home cleaning. Not only do they look aesthetically pleasing, but they also offer numerous health benefits. Studies have shown that indoor plants can reduce stress, boost mood and purify the air we breathe. Check out this YouTube video of the best, easy-care indoor plants.

7) Schedule a Professional Home Deep Cleaning with Beyond Expectations

Focus on tackling your home refresh project and leave the deep cleaning to the professionals. You can be sure that with Beyond Expectations your home will be sparkly fresh and ready for the new year!

We provide weekly, biweekly, monthly, and as-needed home cleaning services in Brunswick, Georgia, and surrounding areas including Glynn County, Jekyll Island, Sea Island, St. Simons, and more. Call us today at (912) 230-4990 to schedule your first home cleaning or visit

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