

We use our bathrooms daily – to wash our hands, brush our teeth, shower, and shampoo, and so on. Because bathrooms are a part of our daily routine, it is important to also clean them on a routine basis. Otherwise, buildup will taint your toilet and bathtub, your drains may get clogged, and you’ll be bound to find hair and dust balls. Keep reading to find essential tips for cleaning your bathroom and maintaining its amenities, recommended by Beyond Expectations Cleaning Professionals.

Just cleaning the toilet and the bathtub every couple of weeks isn’t enough; you need to really pay attention to each nook and cranny of your bathroom in order to ensure that it’s as clean as possible. Here are seven steps that will help you get started on cleaning your bathroom from top to bottom, preparing it for guests, or just for your own health and hygiene!


Because of its proximity to water and germs, you need to give your sink more attention than any other surface in your bathroom. A quick wipe-down with an antibacterial cleaner and some hot water flowing after will get rid of unsightly grime or stains.

If you are looking for a DIY cleaner for the sink, try white vinegar and baking soda! First, sprinkle baking soda evenly on the sink and countertop. Next, use a spray bottle with vinegar to coat the baking soda. Finally, use a microfiber cloth or a scrub to work the mixture into the sink to get rid of any stains or debris.

Make sure that no water remains pooled in the sink or on the surrounding countertop after use so that you can keep the sink looking cleaner for longer. Try to get into the habit of drying off the sink and its countertop after use. This will prevent mold from developing, as well.


Because the shower and tub tend to pool water and remain damp for a longer period of time. mold and mildew can grow easily. Soap residual also builds up more and more over time if you don’t clean the shower and tub frequently. There are many cleaning products designed to remove soap scum quickly and effectively, but make sure you read the ingredients to avoid chemicals and harmful ingredients.

The best tool to use for shower cleaning is dependent on the type of material your shower is made of. Use a more delicate cleaning tool like a sponge or microfiber cloth if your shower is made of more delicate material. If your shower is not made of scratchable material, you can use a scrubber brush to more effectively clean it.


The toilet can be one of the dirtiest spots in your bathroom and tends to hold the most bacteria. This makes it vital to clean more often and clean it well. To clean your toilet effectively, start by using a toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet bowl. Allow it to sit for several minutes to be more effective. You should be able to simply flush away the simpler stains and grime. Use gloves and a hand scrub to get rid of the rest.

Next, clean the toilet lid, the seat, and underneath the toilet seat as well. You can use any disinfectant wipe, cleaning spray, or vinegar and baking soda mixture!  Finally, make sure you clean behind your toilet. This is an area that often gets forgotten when it comes to bathroom cleaning. Use a scrub brush or a broom with a dustpan to remove any dirt from behind your toilet and around it too!


Clean floors are vital to increasing the lifespan of bathroom floors over time. Because of the moisture in the bathroom from the shower and sink, the floor can stay wet and sometimes harbor bacteria that could lead to mold or mildew. Moisture also makes it easier for dirt and grime to stick around on your floor, so keeping it clean is important!

First, sweep or vacuum any dust or debris off of your bathroom floor. Follow up by using a mopping tool like a microfiber mop or a Swiffer. These tools are best for mopping bathroom flooring because they are quick, easy, and effective. Don’t forget to clean behind toilets, under sinks, around shower curtains, and so on!

For more thorough cleaning, consider using a steam mop or hiring us to get rid of any stubborn stains or germs that might be lingering on your bathroom floors!


Next, it is a good idea to thoroughly wash all of your linens. Whether they’re hand towels or bath sheets, they should be cleaned and hung up immediately after being used.

You should frequently wash your bath towels, hand towels, and shower curtains often to prevent the growth of bacteria or mildew. The shower-liner is very important to keep clean to prevent mildew, though many people forget to wash it too! It is recommended to use a fabric liner so that it is easy to throw in the washer and dryer along with the other bathroom linens.

Don’t forget to wash any bath rugs you may have under the sink, tub, or toilet. These rugs are always stepped on and typically dampened, so it is important to wash them thoroughly to remove any buildup.


Remove everything from your bathroom cabinets and drawers and reorganize them. Decide what you’re going to toss or give away. Put back everything you want to keep in an organized fashion and consider investing in new shelves, drawer organizers, drawer lines, and so on.

We highly recommend that under-the-sink serves to maximize storage. This will make it much easier to keep the bathroom clean when there is a stock of cleaning supplies under the sink that is organized and ready to go!

On the other hand, by hiring Beyond Expectations, you will no longer have to worry about maintaining a stock of cleaning supplies. We will bring all of the effective and safe cleaning products to keep your bathroom clean from week to week, month to month.


Deodorizing the bathroom is just as important as cleaning it. Once everything has been cleaned from top to bottom, deodorize your space with some candles or essential oils. You can diffuse essential oils or create a spray using a few drops of essential oils (such as lemon or peppermint) in a spray bottle filled with water. Shake well before each use, then spritz around your bathroom after you’ve cleaned them thoroughly to enjoy a fresher-smelling room!


Bathroom cleaning can be tedious and tiring. If you want to spend your time doing what you enjoy and not have to worry about your bathroom, scheduling a cleaning with Beyond Expectations is the way to go! A cleaning technician can clean your bathroom from top to bottom so you can enjoy a clean bathroom and relax after a long day.


Beyond Expectations is here for all of your residential and commercial cleaning needs! We provide weekly, biweekly, and monthly cleaning, or as needed in Brunswick, Georgia. We also service nearby areas such as Glynn County, Jekyll Island, Sea Island, St. Simons, and more. Call today to schedule a cleaning service at (912) 230-499 or visit our website to learn more. We will truly go above and beyond your expectations!



Studies show that productivity is increased and stress is decreased in a clean, uplifting office space. Keeping an orderly and organized space in your office takes some effort, but it’s an effort that can be more than worth it once you see the results. These five tips from Beyond Expectations will help you spruce up your office space and help you reach your goals in the workplace. Furthermore, these tips will even help you maintain organization and keep it that way all year long.


Do you feel like your office is bogged down with files, loose papers, stacks of books, and stuff you hardly use? We want to emphasize how important it is to keep your office space clean and uncluttered to boost productivity and workplace happiness. If you’re looking for a little inspiration or some new ideas on how to start spring cleaning your workspace, you’re in the right place!

Start by asking yourself these three questions: What’s working in my office right now? What needs a little tweak or update? What steps can I take now to make this happen? Starting by asking yourself these questions will help you assess your current situation and envision your goals. Furthermore, it will help you get in the right mindset to stay on-task and remain goal-oriented to begin.

Once you’ve determined what to keep, what to update, and what to toss, write down the steps you have in mind or the to-do items you want to act on. Starting in one area of your office space at a time will prevent you from getting overwhelmed easily. You can truly take it step by step, which will allow for small wins at a time. For example, start by organizing the top of your desk, then move on to drawers, and so on! This does not have to be done in one day, so you can spread out the project across a week, a month – whatever works best for you!


Next comes the fun part. Start thinking about design and decor! First, start small. Conduct a quick assessment of your space and decide the direction you’d like for your update to go in. Do you want to liven up the space? Do you want to organize the space? Do you want to add color to your office?

Once you’ve decided on the general direction you want to go in, you can start by making a list of tasks you need to do to get there. Use pinterest for inspiration! Some ideas we liked include:

  1. Adding plants
  2. Painting your desk to make it colorful
  3. Organizing your papers into files
  4. Replacing your desk chair for more comfort and better posture
  5. Hanging photos on the walls


Adding color and bringing plants into your office space will make you feel more positive while you work in the office this spring. It’s also a way to bring life back into your office, especially if you work from a desk with no color or nature around you.

Some people may prefer an office that is clean and minimalistic, with natural colors like tan and white. If this makes you more productive and happier in your office space, remove excessive color and go for the minimalist style! If you like a colorful working environment, add some bright artwork to your office walls or add fresh flowers to your desk.

Plants are especially beneficial—aside from improving air quality, they can increase productivity by lowering stress and making people more relaxed. Sometimes office spaces can feel stuffy and boring- by adding plants and incorporating nature to your space, you can completely change the look and feel of your office space.


Since we spend so much time in our offices, improving the lighting is always a good idea. If you can, swap out your lights for something brighter but not too harsh on the eyes. Or just replace any light bulbs or lamps that no longer work. Or add cute fairy lights as decor! This will simply brighten up your space! It may even make you feel more productive and ready to get things done.


We’re not just talking about your phone, we’re talking about your desktop and laptop, too. The new year is a good time to refresh your tech devices, and it can be as simple as decluttering apps, files, and emails.

You touch your phone and computer all day long- so it’s probably time to give them a wipe down, too. Use a screen-safe cleaning spray and microfiber cloth to wipe down the screen and keyboard. You can also buy compressed air specifically for your electronics to get any dust or debris from under the keys or buttons.

After you’ve done the physical cleaning, it’s time to move on to digital cleaning. Go through your apps and delete the ones you no longer use. Organize your file clutter into specific folders for easy access later. Upload photos or files to a cloud-based service like Google Photos and then delete them from your device to save storage. Do what makes you feel refreshed and recharged!


Start your season off with a professional cleaning service. Leave the cleaning and janitorial work to the pros who have all the right products and tools to get your office space sparkling. By investing in Beyond Expectations, you allow your crew to be happier in their workspace, leading to more productive workdays and higher employee retention!


Beyond Expectations is here for all of your residential and commercial cleaning needs! We provide weekly, biweekly, and monthly cleaning, or as needed in Brunswick, Georgia. We also service nearby areas such as Glynn County, Jekyll Island, Sea Island, St. Simons, and more. Call today to schedule a cleaning service at (912) 230-4990 or visit our website to learn more. We will truly go above and beyond your expectations!



Want to teach your kids to help clean up after themselves? Want to make cleaning a proper habit in your house? Want to make cleaning fun? If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, you are in the right place! Many parents find it difficult to get their children to contribute around the house, but with a little motivation and creativity, you can make cleaning more fun and easy for your family. In this article, we’ll share some ways to teach your kids to help clean up and contribute to the household.


As our kids get older, they want to be more involved in household chores and upkeep. But with all of their other extracurricular activities and interests, teaching them how to help clean can be a challenge. Here are some tips for teaching your kids good cleaning habits.

  1. Pick up one item or area at a time. Try to take it easy, rather than overwhelm them or you might end up causing them to dislike cleaning or develop an aversion to such chores.
  2. Work together as a family – let everyone pitch in and take turns.
  3. Model doing it yourself – let your child see you doing an area before they have to do it themselves.
  4. Explain what you’re doing – talking about why a task is important or how it helps your family will help them understand and want to help.
  5. Stay positive – encourage them for any help they offer and remain patient even if it’s not perfect at first!

According to several studies, it takes anywhere from “18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit”, so stay consistent and keep cleaning!


To incentivize cleaning or start building the habit, you might need to create a system of rewards for positive reinforcement.

For example, if your child cleans their room without being told or asked three times a week then they earn a reward. The reward could be a new toy or a trip to get some ice cream. For younger children, you can start with a chore chart and award them with stickers and smaller toys each time they accomplish something.

Once your children realize that doing their chores is actually beneficial to them, they’ll be more motivated to clean and develop good habits at a young age. And once those chores become habitual, cleaning will also become second nature.

No matter what age your child is, they will be proud of themselves for accomplishing their goals and will want to continue doing their chores regularly if there is some sort of encouragement that comes with it.


The first thing that you need to do is introduce your children to simple household tasks. Kids like having responsibilities, so when they can make a real difference in their homes, they’ll take pride in it.

It’s important to take into account your child’s age when beginning to introduce cleaning tasks to them. The younger they are, the easier the tasks should be so they don’t get discouraged. The older your children are, the more advanced the cleaning tasks can be after a bit of practice.

For example, you can start by showing them how to pick up their toys and organize them into cubbies. Then, you can slowly introduce harder tasks like wiping down tables and countertops and dusting shelves. Showing kids how these tasks are important and helpful will motivate them to take interest in helping around their homes as well.


Teaching kids from an early age is important because positive routines and habits become ingrained early on. Even something as simple as making sure the toys they get out to play with are put back where they belong imprint good habits in young minds!  This way, all you need to do later on is ensure that expectations for their behavior and household responsibilities are consistently enforced throughout childhood.


It’s hard to make cleaning fun, but you can find ways to make it less stressful and more enjoyable. Start off with a game or add some music!

One fun game idea is to let your kids run around and pick up as many toys as they can in ten minutes and return them to a pile in the living room. Whoever picks up the most toys, wins! And then, you have a convenient pile of toys that can be put away in the playroom or bedroom. When you turn cleaning into a fun game, it encourages kids to interact and engage in the cleaning process without the idea of it being a chore or a burden.

You can also choose a clean-up song or a playlist of upbeat Disney music to make it seem like a dance party!


Sometimes, life can get hectic and consistent cleaning starts to fall lower and lower on the priority list, especially if you have young kids. In this case, it might be the perfect time to hire Beyond Expectations, your local professional cleaning service. This will take lots of chores off of your plate, leaving you with more time to spend with your family!


Beyond Expectations is here for all of your residential and commercial cleaning needs! We provide weekly, biweekly, and monthly cleaning, or as needed in Brunswick, Georgia. We also service nearby areas such as Glynn County, Jekyll Island, Sea Island, St. Simons, and more. Call today to schedule a cleaning service at (912) 230-499 or visit our website to learn more. We will truly go above and beyond your expectations!



Although no one wants to think about hiring a cleaning service, the reality is that there are occasional occasions when a cleaning professional is necessary. With the holidays approaching, you may be wondering whether hiring a cleaning service might be a good idea. Though a cleaning service may cost considerably more than doing it yourself, the benefits may seem worth the cost. But, when do people start considering hiring a cleaning service? Here are some signs:

  1. There’s dirt that you can’t tackle. Making a house a home means keeping it clean. But with all of the daily chores, responsibilities, and obligations to keep us occupied, cleaning can be a killer. Who among us doesn’t have at least one cleaning project that we’ve been neglecting for weeks or even months, like cleaning baseboards, dusting, or cleaning the inside of the microwave? So why not let the professionals handle the dirty work for you? Dirt is kind of an unavoidable part of life, and when dirt gets ground into your carpets or gets tracked onto your floors, it can look like a job you just can’t tackle on your own. You know your carpets and floors need to be cleaned, but you can’t exactly solve all of your problems in one day. That’s where a professional cleaning service can help.
  2. You get an “I-need-to-clean-more” feeling even after cleaning. Have you ever been so disgusted with your home that you thought you had better get it cleaned up before you ever have visitors again? Then, after spending several hours scrubbing, dusting, vacuuming, and mopping, you finally feel your home should be just the way you left it. But, still, that icky feeling is there, the urge for some thorough cleaning. Cleaning is a never-ending battle for most of us. No matter how many layers of organizational tools you employ, whether through your calendar, lists, apps, or apps on your mobile phone, you still feel they need to clean. This can set you back, creating a vicious cycle of cleaning and feeling depleted of energy and motivation. Consider hiring professionals to handle your cleaning chores if your home could use a thorough cleaning, but you’re too busy to deal with it. Professional cleaning services offer great benefits, including finished work at a great rate.
  3. You don’t have time to clean because of work. Maybe you’re the busy mom of four who can’t get to everything. Or, perhaps you’re the person who has to roll up those sleeves and get to work but doesn’t have the energy to get it clean. Hiring professional cleaners to remove some of the burdens from your busy schedule is a smart idea.
  4. You skipped the deep-cleaning part. Deep cleaning can be a little daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before. But don’t let that stop you. There are many benefits to hiring a Brunswick, GA cleaning service rather than tackling it on your own. One way to organize and declutter your home while cleaning is by implementing a deep clean at a regular interval. This strategy is particularly effective when paired with professional cleaning. Having someone else take on this task for you means you can go back to your normal routine while finding extra time to do the things you enjoy.
  5. You already think that your home makes you sick. Clean homes are known to affect overall health and wellness positively. But have you ever wondered why a clean house is such a good thing? Well, as it turns out, a dirty home can expose your family to a variety of health concerns. An extremely messy and disorganized home can increase your allergy symptoms, and a home with an excess of clutter can lead to anxiety attacks and depression. People everywhere are looking for help with their home cleaning, as the responsibility can be daunting, especially if it’s overwhelming. But nobody is better suited to the job than a professional cleaning service. Home cleaning can be an important way to maintain our health, which is why you should consider hiring a professional cleaner.
  6. You are expecting to have a company over your home. It’s that time of year again: your company is hosting a big event—a fundraiser, a product launch party, or a customer appreciation event. Guests arrive, and your home starts to look a little shabby and disorganized. But don’t worry: hiring a professional cleaning service is the perfect solution for bringing your home back to shape before your guests arrive.
  7. You are still in the recovery phase. Recovery from surgery or other medical procedure is no picnic—it’s emotionally and mentally exhausting, not to mention physically exhausting. And recovering from surgery or undergoing a medical procedure also means you’re possibly recovering at home, which also means you’re possibly struggling to get your home cleaned up. To help facilitate healing and reduce the risk of infection, consider hiring a professional cleaning service that includes personal hygiene services as part of the service.
  8. You have a big family. It’s never a good thing when you realize your family is growing. And unfortunately, that feeling of dread is only magnified when you realize that you’re also not prepared to handle the changes. As your family grows, so will the laundry. Your kids will need more places to play, and the house will have to fill up with even more toys. Furthermore, while you might like to do it yourself, adding new members to your household means adding work to your already jam-packed schedule. Therefore, the best solution for filling your time and keeping your sanity is to hire a cleaning service.

Many people don’t realize that cleaning your home takes a lot of time and effort. While you’re busy at work or taking care of the kids, the house can accumulate a lot of dust, crumbs, dirt, and grime. Plus, if you don’t keep up with cleaning chores, dirt can build up and discolor your home’s surfaces. But, there’s no need to spend your time cleaning and dusting. There are great services like the ones offered by Beyond Expectations Cleaning you can hire that will take care of cleaning your home on a regular basis.



Your bedroom should be the cleanest room in your house, which means you should take proper steps to ensure that it stays that way. If you let your bedroom get messy and disorganized, you’ll find yourself stressed out, depressed, and even less motivated to clean up the rest of your house later on. Here are some reasons why keeping your bedroom clean should be a priority in your life and how you can do it effectively and efficiently every day.


Not only does a messy bedroom make you less likely to want to sleep there, but getting eight hours of uninterrupted sleep every night is vital for maintaining good health. When we leave clothes, shoes, and other items in our bedroom, we’re effectively wasting space. And if your bedroom isn’t clean and organized it can actually have a negative impact on your mood. Having a mess in your room could cause you to feel anxious because you have a cluttered environment to look at before you go to sleep.

A simple daily habit like keeping your bedroom clean can do wonders for helping you get a good night’s rest. Not only does being more organized help us feel more prepared and confident in our day-to-day lives, but it can also have an immediate impact on our health and happiness levels (and thus, our overall ability to cope with stress).

When you come home from work or school every evening, try setting aside 20 minutes (which is roughly how long it takes most people to clean their rooms) to straighten up before getting ready for bed. There are many different cleaning methods that work for different people. The most important thing is that you choose one that works for you and stay consistent with your cleaning.


A clean bedroom not only makes it easier to fall asleep but also relieves stress throughout your day—especially if a messy room causes you anxiety. Don’t overthink things too much; decluttering a few times a year should be more than enough. The easiest way to do that is by minimizing clutter: get rid of unnecessary objects, organize what you use often and consider a bedside table that stores what you need at night (phone charger, watch, glasses). Also, if you’re throwing items out, consider giving them away to a local charity if they are eligible for donation.

Moreover, a cluttered bedroom is distracting and can throw off your focus (especially if you work at home). Further, when your bedroom is cluttered or dirty it’s likely your whole house is too. This not only affects you but other members of your household as well. A messy room also sends a signal to others that you don’t respect yourself or others around you. Bedrooms are intimate spaces; they should be private, clean, and free from clutter. Having a clean space helps create an environment where we feel safe enough to rest, sleep and relax. When we have peace in our personal space we tend to be more productive throughout our day. It’s important for us to take care of ourselves so we can do our best in all areas of life.


When we leave clothes, shoes, and other items in our bedroom, we’re effectively wasting space. And if your bedroom isn’t clean and organized it can actually have a negative impact on your mood. Having a mess in your room could cause you to feel anxious because you have a cluttered environment to look at before you go to sleep.

When your bedroom is clean, you have more energy to do things outside of it. This may not seem like a big deal, but when your bedroom’s a mess and you’re tired from working all day, trying to get anything done can feel like an impossible task. By keeping your bedroom tidy, you’ll have more energy throughout your day—and you’ll be more motivated to get out of bed early in the morning. Lastly, if you go to bed earlier because it’s easy and comfortable to do so, you’ll probably sleep better as well.


If you want to save time and money make sure your bedroom is always clean and tidy. You’ll be able to find what you need quickly, which will save you time in the morning when it comes to getting ready for work or school. You’ll also be able to find things like your wallet or keys if they get lost in a mess of clothes on your floor, which can help avoid unnecessary trips back home from work or a night out with friends. In addition, having a clean room can help reduce stress levels by eliminating distractions that cause worry or anxiety over messes.

Finally, keeping your bedroom neat and organized will help save you money because you won’t have to replace items as often. For example, not losing your favorite shirt when it gets mixed up with other clothes means you won’t have to buy another one. As an added bonus, you won’t have to spend as much money on cleaning supplies if you stay on top of your cleaning routine.


Saving time and money is important for everyone’s quality of life. But, preventing illness might be even more beneficial for some. Dust and dirt buildup can result in everything from the odd sneezing fit to the scary experience of an asthma attack. Needless to say, you would rather not have either of those. On a subtler note, your bedroom is also a space where germs spread easily–especially if you share it with others in your home. By keeping your bedroom clean, you can prevent germs from contaminating your home. It takes less time to be healthy if the family can cooperate and clean their rooms every few days.

Don’t worry if you’re apprehensive about cleaning your home. Many people choose to hire professional cleaning services, such as Beyond Expectations Cleaning Professionals to come in and do the hard work for them. Maid services and residential cleaners are great because it allows you to spend less time cleaning your home, and more time doing the things you enjoy. Additionally, a reputable cleaning service will know all the specifics regarding home cleaning, so you can rest assured that you and your home are being treated with the respect and care you deserve.


If you’re looking for a reputable cleaning service for your home, then contact Beyond Expectations Cleaning Professionals today.

Beyond Expectations serves the Glynn County, Georgia area, including Brunswick, Jekyll Island, St. Simons Island, and Sea Island. Beyond Expectations not only does move-in and move-out cleanings, but also offers residential cleaning services, commercial cleaning services, deluxe deep cleaning services, post-construction cleaning services, and disinfection services.

Call Beyond Expectations today at (912) 230-4990 to schedule your move-out or move-in cleaning service and take back your time and reduce your moving stress! Visit to learn more!



No one likes to clean the bathroom, but everyone wants to have a clean bathroom. However, the bathroom is a place in your home that should not be neglected, as it can be a breeding ground for bacteria and grime. Here are eight ways to help you keep your bathroom tidy with minimal effort on your part, so you can spend more time doing things you enjoy and less time cleaning up after yourself.


Clutter is an easy way to mess up your bathroom and make it feel dirty. Start by doing a full cleanout of all items in your bathroom and then figure out what you need and what you don’t. If you have stuff just lying around, donate or throw away anything that doesn’t serve a purpose.

For example, if you have an old toothbrush from when you had braces, get rid of it! You probably won’t use it again. If there are things that can be donated or recycled, do so! This will not only declutter your space but also help keep unnecessary waste out of landfills.


If you have multiple people using your bathroom, it’s important to keep everyone’s toothbrushes and other items tidy. Simply purchasing a larger storage box will help organize these items in your bathroom.

This is also important because when these brushes are left out, they are more likely to collect germs and bacteria from around your home. Keeping them clean will prevent illnesses from occurring within your household and also help keep your bathroom fresh.


Disinfecting surfaces is an important step in ensuring a clean bathroom. If you don’t use disinfectant, bacteria and germs will collect in hard-to-reach areas like door handles, toilet seats, and other places that are often touched. Cleaning these spots is an important part of keeping your entire bathroom germ-free.

Try using household disinfectants to wipe down surfaces after continuous use—that way dirt and grime won’t have time to develop. Use disinfectant wipes for touchable surfaces, or dilute a small amount of solution into a spray bottle for large cleaning jobs. You can also find surface sanitizers with antibacterial properties on some sponges and scouring pads to make it easier to scrub away dirt from all those tiny nooks and crannies.


A nice bathtub is a great way to relax, but it’s also a breeding ground for mold and mildew. To clean your tub, start by removing any hair or soap scum with a scrub brush or an old toothbrush. Then use some elbow grease to give your tub a good cleaning—you can use either baking soda or white vinegar as an abrasive cleaner. The best time of day to clean your tub is right after you take a shower; that way all of your shower products will be rinsed off and won’t interfere with your cleaning efforts.


Since a bathroom is one of the most frequented rooms in a home, it’s one of the most likely places for germs and bacteria to breed. The toilet bowl is also more susceptible than other surfaces due to its proximity to your digestive system.

In order to keep your bathroom as germ-free as possible, clean your toilet regularly. This will help prevent harmful pathogens from spreading throughout your home and make you feel more comfortable when visiting your own facilities.


Keeping your sink clean is essential if you want to avoid certain household illnesses. To keep your bathroom as tidy as possible, make it a daily habit to wipe out your sink, and scrub out any grime that builds up around its drain. This helps you prevent bacteria from building up on surfaces in your home, which is particularly important for keeping those with compromised immune systems safe and healthy.

Additionally, you can also use an old toothbrush to get into hard-to-reach places under your faucet and at the bottom of your sink’s basin.


First, clear out all of your cupboards so that you can see everything. Second, group items together according to when or how they’re used (e.g., skin care products in one corner). Third, clear out any items you don’t use regularly and donate or get rid of them. Fourth, pick a spot for each item and put it away as soon as it’s used (and make sure everything has a spot!)

This helps prevent clutter from forming as well as saves you time and money in the long run.


Lastly, hiring a professional cleaning service to help keep your home and bathroom fresh and tidy can be a huge time-saver for many people. Furthermore, a reputable cleaning service, such as Beyond Expectations Cleaning Professionals, will use the safest and most effective methods in keeping your bathroom spotless.

To start with a professional cleaning service for either your residential or commercial space, call Beyond Expectations Cleaning Professionals at (912) 230-4990 or visit to learn more. Beyond Expectations offers consistent and exceptional cleaning services and has over 20 years of experience in the cleaning industry, so you can rest assured only the best and most skilled professionals are cleaning your space.

Beyond Expectations serves the Glynn County, Georgia area, including St. Simons Island, Jekyll Island, Sea Island, and Brunswick.



When you move out of your apartment or house, you may think that it’s too much work to thoroughly clean everything. Plus, it may add stress to the moving process and take too much time. You also may be worrying that you might not get your security deposit back. However, if you hire a cleaning service, then you can still enjoy moving into your new place without worrying about losing your security deposit and without adding too much stress. Here are five reasons why you should hire a cleaning service when you move out of your home or apartment.


Moving can be stressful. Between carting your belongings across town and dealing with tight moving deadlines, you probably have little time to clean up your old place, let alone pack for your new place. If you’re relocating soon, consider enlisting professional help from a cleaning service. Cleaners can take care of all of your move-out cleaning in a matter of hours—no more stress about cleaning your old place before moving!

Moving companies make moving easier by providing their services, so why not do the same with the cleaning by enlisting the help of a cleaning company? With cleaners on hand, you can concentrate on transporting your most valuable items without worrying about scrubbing down cabinets or wiping down countertops. Moving is stressful enough—you shouldn’t have to worry about scrubbing floors and walls as well! Let a professional cleaning service take care of that for you.


Professionals clean better and more efficiently. The actual people doing your move-out cleaning have more experience, proper training, and access to better products and practices than you do. That’s why professionals are well worth their price—when it comes to cleaning up after yourself, nobody knows better than them.

They know what will get things as clean as possible in as little time as possible. They know which chemicals are safe for your health and which ones won’t leave annoying residues behind. You’d be surprised how many cleaning products won’t get the job done- but cleaning technicians have tried and tested cleaning products that are guaranteed to be effective. And they also know how to properly dispose of certain items (like hazardous materials) that you might not even think about.

Cleaning professionals also use color-coded towels so that no cross-contamination happens, like using a rag from the bathroom to the kitchen. All of these factors mean that they can make sure that when you move out, there won’t be any unexpected surprises or lingering messes waiting for your landlord or a new tenant!


When you move out, you can’t really afford to spend your time and effort cleaning up. That’s where hiring a professional cleaning service can be incredibly useful. A good moving-out cleaning will leave your place spotless—and it only takes one day! You’ll greatly appreciate the time a cleaning company will free up for you to focus your energy and efforts on moving out and into your new place.

Hiring professionals also means no need to deep clean or clean every tiny crevice—you can just sit back and let them get to work while you go on with your moving endeavors. It may seem like an unnecessary expense at first, but when you consider how much time and energy it saves in comparison to doing everything yourself, it becomes more of a no-brainer. In fact, some landlords may even require that you hire a professional cleaner before they give over their keys.


We know that you’re busy—we all are. We also know that finding time to clean when you move out is nearly impossible. But it’s not just your time and stress that moving-out cleaning services save you—it’s your property, too. Our staff is trained to treat your belongings like they would their own, and we work hard to make sure everything looks exactly as it did when you moved in (minus food stains, pet hair, and other non-damaging stuff).

The last thing you want is for moving-in cleaners to scratch or chip surfaces while trying to scrub away grime or use chemicals that could damage your items. Professional cleaners are trained thoroughly so that your space is cleaned safely and so that the cleaners leave you much better off than before they came.

At Beyond Expectations Cleaning, the VIP Attendants (professional cleaning technicians) go through thorough educational training in everything they need to know to provide only the best cleaning service possible. You can place your trust (and your old apartment) in the hands of the Beyond Expectations cleaners!


If you move out of an unclean or messy apartment, you may lose your security deposit. You can check your specific lease agreement, but it is normal to have to do a thorough cleaning of your old place before leaving to keep your security deposit.  This means getting your place back to the condition it was when you first moved in.

If you lived at this location for a while, you might be surprised at the dust and dirt that has built up over time. A cleaning service can clean from top to bottom to ensure you get your deposit back!

Having your security deposit returned to you in full is one of many reasons why you should consider hiring a professional moving-out cleaning service instead of doing it yourself. Not only will you save time, effort, and stress, but you will also save money in the long run because you will get your security deposit back!


Beyond Expectations Cleaning Professionals are here for your move-out and move-in cleaning services. Whether you are moving out of a house or an apartment, Beyond Expectations cleaning technicians are well trained in cleaning your old space to make it look even better than it did when you moved in!

Beyond Expectations serves the Glynn County, Georgia area, including Brunswick, Jekyll Island, St. Simons Island, and Sea Island. Beyond Expectations not only does move-in and move-out cleanings, but also offers residential cleaning services, commercial cleaning services, deluxe deep cleaning services, post-construction cleaning services, and disinfection services.

Call Beyond Expectations today at (912) 230-4990 to schedule your move-out or move-in cleaning service and take back your time and reduce your moving stress! Visit to learn more!



When you think of the word spring, you probably think of flowers blooming, birds chirping, and bees buzzing all around—in other words, pleasant aromas and beautiful scenery. Spring cleaning your home can have the same effect on both you and your environment by freshening up your home and workspace with delightful scents that will motivate you to keep things clean throughout the year. Follow these three simple steps to spring clean your home and make this cleaning routine an easy part of your life.


Spring cleaning isn’t just a great way to organize your home and rid it of unwanted clutter—it can have some mental and physical benefits, too. If you make cleaning a regular activity, you’ll notice a clear difference.

Not only does a tidy home look good and feel fresh, but it can even help with mental health. Clearing out clutter has been shown to reduce stress levels and improve memory recall. A clean home boosts productivity and improves your overall well-being.

By keeping a clean house or apartment, you also eliminate a lot of dust and dander buildup that can lead to physical repercussions like aggravating allergies and asthma. Cleaning your space regularly also improves the overall air quality in your home and can allow you to breathe cleaner, fresher air!

Finally, as well as decluttering, spending time on spring cleaning will likely result in you finding a few hidden gems that you forgot about—or didn’t even know existed!


Before you start, take a few minutes to plan out your spring cleaning and determine what goals you want to accomplish. For example, do you want to focus on decluttering and organization? Or is your goal to clean dust and grime in your home? Is it both organizing and cleaning? Having a goal will help motivate you as you go through with each task.

It’s also important to plan out the time you want to spend spring cleaning and try to stick with it. Plan how long you’d like to spring clean for each day, including how many days you’d like to spend. By planning out your cleaning schedule this way, you can stay on track and motivated to reach your goals.  Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be all-consuming; even a little bit of work here and there will add up over time!

Once you’ve determined what tasks you want to accomplish during spring cleaning (cleaning, decluttering, organizing), get started! Break down your big goal into smaller tasks. If there are several rooms or areas that need attention when it comes to spring cleaning tasks, break them up by room or area and make a list of all of your goals for each room or area on a separate sheet of paper.

Each room can have its own tailored list of spring cleaning or organizing tasks if you want extra detail on your spring cleaning list. Once you’ve made your spring cleaning schedule and task list, start crossing off each item as you complete it. You’ll be finished spring cleaning in no time!


In spring cleaning, the first order of business is getting rid of things you don’t need. This process is often called decluttering, and it allows your home to feel more spacious and less cluttered.

Before you start tossing things in the trash bin, look at each item and decide whether it brings value to your life or house. If not, donate it! You can also sell your unwanted items on sites like eBay or Facebook Marketplace, whether it be your decor, art, clothes, or other items!

De-cluttering and organizing your space will give you a sense of control over your environment, which has been shown to have positive effects on mood. But if clearing out clutter sounds daunting (and sometimes overwhelming), remember that all change starts with one small step: Make a commitment to declutter one room per day for as much time as you can spare.

By starting small, even those who hate messes can get into the habit of keeping their space tidy and organized. And with the help of your tasklist or spring cleaning plan, this step will be much easier and quicker!


The list of cleaning tasks needed for spring cleaning can seem long and daunting. Prepare to dust, vacuum, dust some more, get rid of cobwebs, and wash windows! Don’t forget to prepare your cleaning products and tools for spring cleaning.

The supplies you need include dusters, multipurpose cleaning spray,  microfiber towels, glass cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, a broom, and a vacuum. This list probably doesn’t include everything you will need, but it’s a great start! Assess what cleaning tools and products you already have first, then think about your specific home’s needs before buying any cleaning products.

Next, don’t forget to do these important cleaning tasks as a part of your spring cleaning refresh:

  • Wash all of your bedding—from sheets to pillows—before putting them back on your bed. Washing them at least once every couple of months can also help prevent dust and other allergens from building up over time.
  • Clean your electronics – Use a microfiber cloth and an electronic-safe cleaning spray to wipe down computers, tablets, phones, game consoles, remotes, and other devices that we tend to touch frequently but don’t always clean regularly.
  • Clean the baseboards –  Wipe down baseboards with a damp microfiber cloth to remove the buildup that has occurred throughout the year.
  • Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures – You can also clean your ceiling fans and light fixtures by thoroughly dusting them, and then wiping them down with a damp microfiber cloth.
  • Vacuum all of your furniture – This will help remove dust and pet hair that you might not be able to see but still affects your allergies and asthma.

You may want to consider hiring a cleaning service or getting extra help from family members to get your home truly spring clean. Spring cleaning your home isn’t rocket science, but it will take some time and hard work. Most people don’t have the time in their busy schedule to spring clean thoroughly, so hiring a professional cleaning service may be the perfect solution.


A professional cleaning company can help you save time and prioritize what needs to be cleaned the most. They know the best cleaning practices to get spring cleaning done quickly and effectively so that you have more time to spend your spring season with friends and family doing what you love!

Not only is a cleaning service effective and efficient- but they come prepared with all of the necessary tools and cleaning products for your residential cleaning service. You won’t have to do any of the extra planning that goes into spring cleaning and you won’t have to buy unnecessary cleaning products!

If you are looking to save time but still enjoy a fresh and clean house or apartment, invest in a cleaning service.  Sticking with a regular weekly or biweekly cleaning service for your residential space will substantially boost your well-being.

Beyond Expectations Cleaning Professionals are here for all of your cleaning needs! Start spring off on a fresh note and call today to schedule your cleaning service at (912) 230-4990 or visit to learn more.

Beyond Expectations serves the Glynn County, Georgia area, including Brunswick, St. Simons Island, Sea Island, and Jekyll Island.



Many people view cleaning as time-consuming and undesirable, but they don’t realize the many health benefits of cleaning your home regularly. Additionally, by hiring a residential cleaning service to come in once a week or so, you can drastically reduce stress and anxiety while also improving your overall physical and mental health. Read on to learn more about the amazing health benefits of keeping your home clean on a regular basis.


If you suffer from allergies, cleaning your home regularly can reduce allergy symptoms in a couple of ways. First, dust and mold spores will get trapped in washable items and cleaned surfaces. Second, dust can accumulate on hard-to-reach areas like windowsills, blinds, and ceiling fans, trapping dander and pollen that triggers allergy symptoms.

Getting your home cleaned on a regular basis with a residential cleaner or maid service can help keep those particles under control for those who live with allergies year-round.  For example, if you’re allergic to grass, cleaning up after your pet or vacuuming frequently can also help prevent an asthma attack or flare-up. (And no matter what time of year it is, it is often recommended to get an air purifier to help filter your environment.) Moreover, indoor allergens like pet dander and dust mites are easily eliminated when you clean; many find that their allergy symptoms lessen considerably when they remove these irritants from their homes.

Finally, sometimes something as simple as turning on a fan or opening a window can allow fresh air into your home. Just make sure to close them before leaving or falling asleep (if applicable). This helps circulate fresh air while also reducing any airborne pollutants inside.


If you’re looking to get healthier, cleaning your home might be one of your first steps. And it’s not just about aesthetics—cleaning your home can actually boost your immune system and protect you from bacteria and viruses. Additionally, cleaners also help prevent allergies by reducing dust mites and other allergens. While many people see cleaning as an inconvenience, or even a chore, it’s important to remember how beneficial cleaning can be for your health.

If you want to take things a step further, consider hiring residential cleaners like Beyond Expectations Cleaning Professionals who offer thorough home cleaning services. Hiring professional residential cleaners allows you to set aside time for self-care while knowing that professionals are taking care of every detail of your cleaning needs. This way, you don’t have to worry about a thing, but you still get to enjoy the happy and healthy lifestyle that routine cleaning provides.


Cleaning your home is an easy way to increase productivity. From reducing clutter to creating a clean and organized space, cleaning can help improve your workflow in and out of your home. A clean workspace leads to increased concentration and focus. In addition, having a dedicated place for everything and keeping items organized makes it easier to find what you need, when you need it. If you’re starting from scratch with cleaning your home, there are services available for residential cleaning that can provide a systematic approach to cleanup. These services are highly recommended, as professionals typically know the most effective methods to make a home happy and healthy.


A clean home also has benefits beyond your physical health. It’s been shown to reduce stress levels and help lower blood pressure, which could lead to a better quality of life. Professional cleaners can help you unwind and relax, which is great news if you suffer from any sort of stress or anxiety. By keeping a clean house, you’ll enjoy less clutter and fewer dust mites that may cause irritation. Not to mention, being reassured that your mental health and well-being is staying protected is a significant benefit in today’s world. You should rest easy with the peace of mind knowing that you’ll be living a healthier lifestyle from the removal of potentially harmful germs.


If you regularly clean your home, you may be lowering your blood pressure. Studies show that doing things around the house—even simple tasks like vacuuming and folding laundry—can help keep blood pressure low. You may want to hire a maid service or residential cleaning service for a deeper, more thorough home cleaning; but, simply dusting, washing dishes, and taking out trash can help lower your blood pressure over time as your productivity increases. Moving around your home while doing practical chores is a great way to multitask which also helps you stay both physically and mentally healthy.


Lastly, whether you intend to reduce your level of household responsibilities or not, hiring a residential cleaner or maid service does more than just help you out with getting rid of dust mites and allergens.

You can reduce your stress levels, your allergen reactions, and most importantly, improve your overall health. For instance, if you have asthma or allergies (or if someone in your family has these conditions), cleaning regularly will keep them under control by reducing airborne particles that can trigger symptoms like coughing and sneezing. This is in addition to the everyday germs that can spawn in almost any living environment. You won’t have to worry about getting sick from unwanted bacteria if you regularly maintain the cleanliness and health of your home.

If you’re suffering from any kind of illness, it’s also important to consider how keeping your house clean could improve your recovery time. The benefits of maintaining a clean home on a regular basis are truly endless, as these rewards far outweigh any time or money spent on the practice itself.


If you’re ready to take a step toward a happier and healthier lifestyle, then hire a professional cleaning service today. Contact Beyond Expectations to book now or for additional information.

Beyond Expectations Cleaning Professionals serve the Glynn County area, including Brunswick, St. Simons Island, Jekyll Island, and Sea Island. Our professional cleaning company can meet your needs no matter what they are: daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly cleanings; light cleaning or deep cleaning services; move-in and move-out services.

Call us today at 912-230-4990 or visit! We’ll work with you to design a custom cleaning plan that is sure to fit all of your needs!



A common excuse for avoiding housework is having to work from home. It’s true that working from home can be an advantage—you can work at your own pace, on your own schedule, and even in your pajamas if you want to! But as any homeowner will tell you, sometimes that means you have to deal with a messy house at the same time. Here are some tips on how to clean and tidy up your space if you work from home—no matter how messy it gets!


Everyone knows that tidying up is a must when you work from home to keep yourself on task and motivated. Having clutter around you while you work can be distracting and will add stress. Try and do your cleaning tasks outside of your work schedule so that you can be more productive on work-related tasks that matter most.

Try tidying for a couple of minutes at a time during your breaks throughout the day and turning on some music while you work. It can be refreshing to stand up from your desk and move around to take a mental and physical break from working on the computer. Try to think of these quick cleaning sessions as a moment to refresh your brain so that you can come back to your work rejuvenated and motivated.

Focus on one area at a time, starting with your desk or workspace. Put away unnecessary items into a drawer or basket to keep your work area free of clutter. Working from home can be more productive if you’re organized and make sure to not let chores pile up.

Trying to do too much in a short amount of time will make it hard for you to stay focused and organized throughout your workday, so try cleaning a little bit each day so that they don’t build up into big tasks that take longer than they should.

Try setting 10 minutes before your workday to pick up around your workspace and home to get a productive head start on the day. Then, after your workday, take another 10 minutes to clean surfaces or vacuum. This way, you’re tackling small tasks throughout your day so they don’t build up to a bigger mess!


Another way to stay on top of your home-cleaning duties: ditch paper clutter for digital tidiness. This can be as simple as scanning receipts and business cards digitally instead of filing them away in a shoebox or going paperless with bills and subscriptions. The less clutter you have in your life, especially at home, the more effective you’ll be at keeping it clean.

There are many digital apps that will store your files, photos, and more for free! Instead of keeping large stacks of papers or a filing cabinet, scan your files with a scanner and upload them to a free application like Google Drive or Dropbox. By getting rid of your paper clutter, you automatically reduce unnecessary clutter in your space and boost productivity.

Once you go digital with most of your papers and documents, you won’t have to keep a large stock of paper supplies, staplers, paper clips, etc. that clutter up your desk space.


We all know how hard it is to clean your home when you work from home. Everyone wants a clean and comfortable home, but it’s hard when you spend most of your time in that space. So how do you keep your house clean? Here are some tips for maintaining a dirt-free environment without compromising comfort or job performance.

The first step to making sure your home stays free from dirt and grime is to set a time to do the deep cleaning every week. On one day make sure you get clean everything that might have been neglected throughout the week: spills on countertops, dishes in the sink, and overflowing laundry. Then throughout the workweek, you can start with a clean slate.

Day-to-day, you will find it’s much easier to pick up little messes at a time when you have done most of the heavy cleaning already.

Another easy way to keep your workspace clean is to keep disinfectant wipes handy at your desk to wipe up messes or spills fast and easily. This will take one more step off of your cleaning checklist.


Everyone needs a little motivation once in a while. If you find yourself feeling unmotivated to do any work at home, try some of these ideas:

  • Set a timer– Set a timer for short intervals and during those intervals, get up and clean! When the timer goes off, take a break or get back to work. Setting a time constraint will make cleaning seem less overwhelming.
  • Hire someone– Hiring outside help can be tremendously effective; and when time is tight, it could be well worth it to pay a professional cleaning service to clean up your home on weekends or while you’re busy.
  • Ask others for help– If you have roommates or live with a significant other, ask them to set aside some time to help clean with you. Turn on some energetic music to get you going, and let the teamwork streamline the cleaning process!


Hiring a professional cleaning company will free up your time so you can work on other aspects of your life or work. Keeping up with working from home as well as making time to clean your home can be stressful and sometimes not possible. That’s where the pros come in! Professional cleaners can come into your home and take care of the hard work that goes into maintaining a clean space for you to be productive working from home.

The benefits of hiring a professional cleaning service are endless:

  • More free time with friends, family, and pets
  • Increased productivity
  • Boosted mood
  • Decreased stress

Beyond Expectations Cleaning Professionals serve the Glynn County area, including Brunswick, St. Simons Island, Jekyll Island, and Sea Island. Our professional cleaning company can meet your needs no matter what they are: daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly cleanings; light cleaning or deep cleaning services; move-in and move-out services.

Call us today at 912-230-4990 or visit! We’ll work with you to design a custom cleaning plan that is sure to fit all of your needs!