Welcome again to Beyond Expectations. This is very essential for us and as well for our community and our clients. So we're going to define today what Beyond means in our business. So Beyond means that when we are in any of our principals home, we love to really go that extra mile and go beyond with my teams, from my VIP attendance to my leaders to my supervisors and including my fellow creative manager. When I say we love to go that extra mile beyond, for instance, when we are signing these beautiful principles for weekly or every other week services, we love to provide that free periodic task, which includes six areas in their homes with hand wiping, besides the normal cleaning on traffic areas.

We give delux beautiful part of the hand wiping on windows, window frames, kitchen cabinets, and in and out of our bathroom cabinets. We also do inside refrigerators and inside the openings as well as so many other areas how base books, so those are the areas that we offer. Also know that beautiful point of Beyond is that the company provides on a monthly basis different type of packages, which I love to support my community, I love to give away all these beautiful disinfectants solutions, disinfectants.

Now with these new shoe protection solutions that we're bringing aboard, we're just enjoying putting on these for everybody to really be safe these days. Beyond means for us that my teams, they are so graciously to be humble and very honest and they come very courageously to just provide that fine service. Beyond means that you will have not to worry about anything because we're 100 percent honest. We are definitely going with every meticulous little part of our services to make sure that we're covering from top to bottom any parts of your home.
Beyond means that we are truly professional with a big smile, we show up with our beautiful vehicles.

We show up with our beautiful uniforms and give you that extra protection as well. We've been licensed, bonded and insured, just so you don't have to worry about if an accident happens. So we have a lot more to continue talking about how does it defines our business to go always beyond. Thank you so much today. This is just one portion of what we do in our community. Thank you, god bless you.

Thank you so much, Mrs. Jackson, for being here with Beyond Expectations today, as well as Joshua. It's a great honor for us, and a beautiful appreciation for all over these 10 years or more of services to you and your home. It is a pleasure. I'm honored to. Just if you will be kind to let me know, how did you find Beyond Expectations to be the difference with any other businesses here.

Well, we had lived here about two years and through word of mouth, we found a girl that was on our own, not with the company. But it didn't work out, because sometimes she couldn't come and there was nobody to replace her. And I decided that I had heard about your company that same year and saw your cars on the road. So I just gave you a call and we tried you out. You came over, looked around the house and set up that the perfect person.

And you did. And she's been the one that's been with us for eight years, ten years. You train them so well. They all seem to know exactly, in other words, the format every time they come is the same.

I know that she starts in one room and goes through the all the others. She does the same thing every time she comes. But the thing that I love about the company more than anything is they become family. If something happens with us, I always know that I can call you and you will take care of business, whatever it is, but I think through your training and your training of your girls, you do such a good job with them that I'm just always comfortable. I don't have to tell her anything.

She knows exactly what to do. And then she goes Beyond Expectations.

Well, thanks for mentioning that. That's really, really nice.

Because she does that. She does things that I haven't even asked her to do, like cleaning out the fireplace or just whatever. She looks around. She never has to come to me and ask me to do what, she just does. And it's just a wonderful relationship, we love her.

Thank you so much. I know that you are really experiencing our Beyond, as we always say. But this is just a great honor for us to continue serving you for all these amazing over ten years. And we would love to continue to being here for you.

Thank you. I hope so.

Thank you so much for your time. Definitely. Thank you. And you know, we love you with all our heart.

Love you too.

Thank you so much.

Well, thank you so much, Mr. Regan, for being with us today and Beyond Expectations. I really appreciate it and it's a great honor to me and the business to be here on these amazing home. I just got a couple of questions for you, how do you feel with Beyond Expectations for all these amazing eight years of services that we've been providing to you and your lovely home?

Well, let me give you just a little background. When I moved in here after my retirement. I moved from Chicago. You were recommended by a variety of people that have already lived here, and with that in mind is when I contacted Beyond Expectations. And from that very day forward, I have been extremely pleased with the results of what you've done for me and your team has done for me.

Well, that's fantastic. And that is amazing. That's all what we do. And that's why Beyond Expectations always go beyond.

Now, my other question will be that always gets me this inspiration. Every time I come over here I have such beautiful moments with you, of course, not only as a principle for us, but what did it make you feel to continue referring us, because you do such a beautiful referral all over here, with a beautiful word of mouth. Why did it gives you that?

Well, probably going back, let's say, before I came here in my job that I had, I was president of two division in the chemical business. And I learned a lesson there very early, is that when you find something that works and works very well and continues to improve, make sure you keep it. And one way to do that is to recommend it. And that's my philosophy. Obviously, a whole different working relationships. But I think people that have moved here, as you well know from a variety of places within the United States, don't really have a foothold on making decisions such as who is going to help us keep the place clean and as it should be.

So as a member of the board for our units here, I made it basically one of my job is to go in and greet people as they moved in and make the recommendation. So you can obviously understand, how highly I respect what you do, not only for me, but for the other people.

You're amazing. Well, thank you again for this great opportunity. It's a tremendous honor for us to continue to be here for you and you can reach me any time. God bless you.

And you know I will at any time.

Thank you so much. Thank you. I appreciate it.

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